
Aren´t those watermelons beautiful? I don´t think I even like watermelons, but I do enjoy admiring them. Maybe I will try to grow some when I´m back in the states! I propped this guy up on woods and rocks because there were little insects burrowing into the bottom where the watermelon was touching the soil.

You can see the two gigantic watermelons on the edge of the photo, and a smaller one in the middle.

This is Kevin, who´s a great helper in the garden. He´s very talkative, and doesn´t seem to care if I don´t understand him. He´ll just continue talking =) He helped me harvest most of the carrots.

The first carrot we harvested!

Kevin digging up carrots.

Don´t those carrots look great? I think the kids and I were really proud of them, the product of our hard work=)

Here are some kids (Yolanda, Narcissa, Leidy, Gerardo, Gisela, and Jessenia) showing off our cabbage.

Another picture of those same girls, this time behind one of our tomato plants.

Isn´t that pepper a thing of beauty?

Gisela and Yolanda helped me harvest the peppers. I really hope I can have a little garden when I´m back in the U.S.!
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