Dad´s visit to Ecuador

My dad visited me for about 2 weeks, and we got to see a lot of Ecuador. My photos are out of order, so bear with me. We went to Mindo, my site, Trent´s site, Santo Domingo, the Amazon, Quito, Otavalo and Riobamba. This cathedral, the Basilica del Voto Nacional, is in Quito. All the gargoyles are Ecuadorian animals, which is really cool.

Here´s my dad being attacked by an aracari, which was the pet of the Amazon healer we visited as part of our trip to Yachana.

These are the lovely chihuahuas who live in my yard. There are only 3 now, and one of them is cute, but I really don´t like being woken up by their barking at 3am.

I think these are squirrel monkeys in the Amazon. They were amusing themselves by messing around with tourists and their backpacks.

Our guide found this barred monkey frog while we were doing a night hike in the Amazon.

This open cable car is called a tarabita, and ferried us across a valley to hike to some waterfalls in the cloud forest of Mindo.

We found this crazy looking caterpillar on one of our Amazon hikes.

Our guide, Jose, pretending to eat a whip scorpion.

Before we started our first night hike in the Amazon, we had to pass under this tree, which mysteriously had a butcher knife sticking out of it. I thought it was pretty creepy. Jose had no explanation for why the butcher knife was there.

Another crazy looking caterpillar. His red head and barbs seem to scream, "Don´t touch me!"

This really cool Amazon spider made gigantic webs.

Dad on a bridge on one of our Amazon hikes.

Dad working in the garden with some of the kiddos at the La Asuncion elementary school. Here he´s handing seeds to Ana.

Greg getting healed. He looks very peaceful.

Dad eating a cooked grub. Tastes like bacon, yum!

Gold ceiling of the Compañia de Jesus (I think that´s what it´s called) in Quito.

Here´s my dad working with the kiddos to fix the garden fence. I only remember the name of the girl in the middle, Nayeli. The boy in front is Danny and next to him is Gerardo. My dad thought Gerardo was the best worker. Danny was too scattered and kept running between different tasks and couldn´t focus on one =)

Dad throwing a spear. He is a very experienced spear thrower. He practiced throwing a spear at Trent´s site before we went to the Amazon.

Dad showing off his excellent form and balance.

Dad shooting a blow dart into a papaya. We all succeeded at this task, but I don´t think any of us hit our target with the spear.

Dad on our first hike into the cloud forest of Mindo.

Nancy, Tyler, Jose, Amy and Greg in front of a giant ceibo tree.

Some mountain rising above the Amazon treetops. I really like using the word "Amazon". =)

Me holding a cockroach.

Yummy grubs, squirming around before we cooked them. These grubs live in the hearts of palms and I think they are considered a delicacy by some of the indigenous tribes.

Chopped up, cooked grub.

Me getting healed. The healer blew smoke around us and shook these leaves over us. I think it made me feel more tranquil.

Me trying to make a scary face as the cockroach crawls around on my shoulder.

Wild pineapple! I´m going to miss $0.50 pineapples when I´m back in the states.

Jose caught this warty monkey frog and brought it back to my room to show me. He was pretty cool looking, and I had never seen one before!

This olive tree runner stayed totally still while we took his picture. Maybe he was convinced that his camouflage worked so well that we couldn´t see him.

Grub cooking over the fire pit.

We came across this friendly white-throated toucan while we were waiting at a dock for our ride to our Amazon lodge.

Here´s some people in my town doing laundry at the river. I don´t have to wash my clothes in the river because I have a wash basin in my yard.

Beautiful butterfly in the butterfly garden at our Amazon lodge.

View of one of the spires of the Basilica del Voto Nacional from one of the windows in the stairwell to the top of the clock tower.
Here´s a link to my album with all 82 photos from my dad´s trip (whittled down from 1000!):
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