Carrie´s visit and more wildlife from La Perla

Katie took this picture of the bizarre rhino car that drives around Puyo. I think it is pretty awesome, but I have no idea why the owner decided to convert his car into a rhino.

This is one of the many stickers that decorate the rhino car. Did you know that rhinos are a farmer's best friend?

Carrie and I in front of the Puyo River.

This statue depicts the 7 indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

The ethnobotany park had a couple replicas of traditional indigenous houses. This is the Huaorani house.

Carrie, Katie and I spotted this cool caterpillar while we were walking along the Puyo river.

Dr. Hamilton and his research team visited Ecuador again this month and spent about 5 days at La Perla. I helped out part of the time. Here´s a picture of Ross, a college student from North Carolina, posing with a walking stick insect on his head. Dr. Hamilton is standing with his head lamp shining in the bottom left corner of the photo.

These pictures are mixed up with pictures from my friend Carrie´s recent visit. We went to Puyo in the Amazon to see my friend Katie. This monkey tail fern is from the Omaere Ethnobotany Park (Omaere is a Huaorani word meaning “Jungle”) in Puyo.

This beautiful snake was found on the side of one of the access roads in La Perla. I think the common name is whipsnake, and the scientific name is Chironius carinatus. She was very calm and had beautiful coloration, but I wasn´t able to get a good picture of that.

Here´s me holding the whipsnake. Carrie already made fun of the way I´m posing in this photo. I didn´t mean to look so goofy! Oh well, I´m sure Sasha and maybe some other people will also make fun of me. Such is my lot in life.

Katie and Carrie overlooking the Puyo River, I think. I´m having problems with my laptop, so I wasn´t able to upload more of my pictures from our trip. But Carrie took a bunch of pictures, so I will add a link to her photo album as soon as she posts her pictures.

This was my first attempt to put a strange creature on my face. The walking stick insect wasn´t really interested in crawling on my face, just on top of my head, probably in an attempt to escape. He was so ticklish! Probably not as gross or daring as a whipscorpion, tarantula, or snail.
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