Falling rabbits
The most interesting part of our trip happened when we were walking around the nearby town, Aguas Calientes, and a rabbit almost fell on my head! Somehow he got out of his pen on the second or third story above an alleyway.
Here´s a picture of the alleyway and Julia demonstrating how we reacted to the falling rabbit. You can see the white plastic cover things above the alleyway in this picture and the photo above it. Pretty long way for a rabbit to fall!
We were walking along, and then I started to feel and hear dirt and rocks falling. I heard scrambling overhead and ran to find cover under another awning. Then the rabbit fell, but he was unharmed, and looking to run some more. Somebody caught him, but I had a lot of dirt, and maybe rabbit poo in my hair! Ah, every day brings another unexpected adventure.
I recently found out that there is a Harvard Club and a University of Michigan Alumni Association here in Ecuador. I already joined the Harvard Club, and maybe I can watch Michigan football games with the alumni group. Hopefully I´ll be able to meet other people working in development or diplomacy and can learn about their projects and experiences here in Ecuador. I feel like I´m only learning about Peace Corps here, but I should learn more about other organizations, like USAID and maybe some nonprofit organizations. Time to broaden my horizons!
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