View from the beach at Punta Prieta.

We found this common bird snake (Pseustes shropshirei) resting near our cabin at Lalo Loor. It was really pretty and large, and aggressive when provoked.

Here´s the bird snake rearing up and striking. I stayed far away when it was aggressive, and only handled it when it was more calm. It got bored of us quickly and stopped striking when it realized it wasn´t making any progress and that we weren´t really going to eat it.

The building on the edge of the cliff is the restaurant of Punta Prieta, which had stunning views of the ocean and magnificent frigatebirds.

Motmots are known for their long, racket tail feathers. This feather is from a blue-crowned motmot.

Rainbow on the beach at Punta Prieta.

Another photo of the striking bird snake. You can see how high it could lift itself off the ground.

I don´t know what the common name is of this frog, a Scinax quinquefasciata. It´s from the treefrog family (Hyla).

JP with the whip scorpion on his face.
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