Herpetofauna in La Perla

Here are pictures from La Perla. This is an anole.

We saw lots of mice in La Perla, but no boas or big snakes. Lots of prey, where are the predators?

This mouse seemed curious about us, and didn´t mind having his picture taken. He was high up in a tree, so he didn´t have to worry about us catching him.

We weren´t able to identify this frog, maybe he was a new species!

Banded calico snake, Oxyrhopus petola. I think he was a coral snake mimic.

This big frog is a smoky jungle frog, Leptodactylus pentadactylus. She weighed 265g, and was 158mm. This species can have a snout-vent length (SVL) of 18 cm!

Check out those red legs!

Trent holding a tarantula.

Trent helping a frog model for the camera.

Gladiator frog, Hyla rosenbergi

Same gladiator frog. This is one of the few (only?) species of frog where the male is bigger than the female. The males fight with each other, which is unusual for frogs.
Sweet photos!!!
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