Blogger is finally cooperating, so now I can title these photos and add some new ones! These are more photos from La Perla. This is a cool plant I saw. I am starting the botany research project soon, so maybe I will be able to identify these plants in the near future!

This is a Dendrobates espinosi frog. I don´t know the common name. It belongs to the family of poison dart frogs, and had a cool speckled pattern on its belly.

I really liked this funky caterpillar, which warned predators to stay away with a bright red head and long, scary spikes.

Here´s another gladiator frog, Hyla rosenbergi.

I love the eyes on this tree snake (Imantodes inornatus).

We saw lots of cool looking leaf-mimicking katydids.

This is a Eleutherodactylus achtinus. I think the common name is rain frog.

This Ameiva is actually from Lalo Loor. My pictures got all mixed up. I don´t know the common name of this lizard. I love the bright blue tail on this guy!
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