mascotas favoritas
I posted this entry during my last computer class as I was trying to teach my students how to set up a blog and write entries. Congress recently voted for Santo Domingo to be its own province, so we are no longer part of the Pichincha province. The computers I was using for my computer class are the property of the Pichincha province, and apparently the prefecto of that province doesn´t want us to have any of the Pichincha province´s resources, so those computers are probably going to be removed soon. Thank goodness my computer class ended just in time! A couple of my students set up their own blogs, and I added links to their blogs on my homepage. Oh, and the title of this blog means "Favorite Pets". Lucy came up with that. =)
The above picture is of my friend Jenny´s cat, MacGregor, snuggling with my cat Lina. MacGregor stays with me whenever Jenny goes on trips, and he and Lina are the best of friends and very cute and mischievous when they are together.
This is a picture from the annual community festivities for the Virgin of La Asuncion. The night starts with a parade through town of the decorated trucks of some of the families and the elementary school. This is the elementary school´s truck/float, with their candidate for the beauty pageant, and some of the little girls in the kindergarten class. The girl on the left in the white dress is one of my favorites, Sylvia. She started jumping and waving when she saw me, which is why her pigtails are flying behind her. I love getting a reception like that. I don´t think I get that kindof reception anywhere else. Maybe I can get Pierre to wear pigtails and jump up and down at the airport when he sees me for the holidays =) Next to Sylvia is Vanessa, another one of my favorites. I don´t know who the other little girl is. The pageant contestant is Ruth.
Vanessa is a great little helper in the garden. She´ll work with me long after all the other kids have left. And she has learned the rules of the garden, like don´t step on the seed beds, and don´t throw trash on the ground. Last week we had a minga (work day) with all the kids to clear the weeds from the garden. I was nervously watching some kids swing a machete and absently stepped on one of the seed beds. Vanessa immediately yelled at me "No pisan en las camas!" which means, don´t step on the seed beds. She made me so proud! I was happy that one of the girls worked with the machete, and I made sure the boys gave her a chance to clear some weeds. The kids let me use a machete for about 30 seconds, then probably decided that I had no idea what I was doing and promptly took it away from me. Oh well. No one was injured and all the weeds were cleared, woohoo!
I usually never bring my camera into Santo Domingo, but there are some times I really wish I had it on me. Recently, I saw some graffitti on the side of a building that said "Wu-Tang Clan". Most of the graffitti in Ecuador seems to be politically related, as there always seems to be some election going on. But I was happy to see that somewhere in Ecuador, there is some person who is so into the Wu-Tang Clan that they felt the need to tag the name on to a wall. That graffitti is already gone, before I got a chance to take a picture of it. Bummer.
My kids´ club seems to be going well. I bribed the kids with stickers, Zero Coke, a postcard and a bookmark to help me pick up trash around town last Saturday. Perhaps it is not the best idea to give kids soda at 9:30 in the morning, but they were really excited about it. And some of them seem genuinely interested in learning English. One girl, Jennifer, who is in 5th grade and is more knowledgeable than me about Ecuadorian botany, showed me her little binder where she keeps all the worksheets and things I give them. I thought that was really cute.
Does anyone have any idea what the jaguar shark from the movie the Life Aquatic looks like?
hola, i´m practicing making blogs with my computer class students
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