Elementary school beauty pageant

Here are some pictures from this year´s beauty pageant at the elementary school. The big winner was my counterpart Leonor´s daughter, Belkis. Belkis won the competition for the madrina (godmother) of sports last year. I hope all these titles aren´t going to her head!

As part of the beauty pageant, the other kids in the elementary school performed some dances and a skit. Here´s Vanessa, one of my best helpers in the garden, dancing with the other kindergarten/preschool kids.

As part of the competition, all the candidates had to perform a group dance, a solo cultural dance, and answer a question. Here´s Cesibel answering her question. Cesibel is another one of my favorites. She is a regular attendee at my Saturday kids´ club meetings, and she loves coloring with me.

The girls had to wear 3 different outfits; evening gown, school uniform, and cultural dress. Here´s Belkis and Cesibel posing in their school uniforms.

The newly elected reina (queen), Belkis, had to say a few words after her coronation. As new supreme leader, she declared that all the kids did not have school on Monday, which made them very happy =) Yolanda is on her left and Viviana is on her right.

Viviana performed a traditional dance from the highlands of Ecuador. She did a great job!

Belkis´ is supposed to look like a Tsachila "goddess". However, Trent tells me that there is no such thing as a Tsachila god or goddess. She looks so cute! Santo Domingo used to be called Santo Domingo de los Colorados. Colorados refers to the Tsachilas, the indigenous group that Trent lives with. They prefer the term Tsachilas, so recently the name was changed to Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas. Belkis is wearing the seal of Santo Domingo as her headress.

Here are all the beauty pageant contestants: Yasmin, Yolanda, Belkis, Viviana, and Cesibel. They all got sashes and titles. I can´t remember why Viviana isn´t wearing one in this picture. This was perhaps my 5th beauty pageant in Ecuador. At least I didn´t have to be a judge for this one!
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