
Just like last year, I went down to Cuenca for the big PCV Halloween party. Before Maggie and I went to Cuenca that night, we had a little Halloween party for her kids´ group. Her kids are so cute! They brought stuff to make costumes, so we did that, ate cake, and played some games. The kids were so happy with their simple, homemade costumes. And they looked great! It´s kindof hard to tell from this picture, but from the left to the right there´s a bunny, a devil, a princess, a flower, a cat, and a mouse. I´m a pirate, and I have a toucan pretending to be a parrot on my shoulder.

Maggie was a rodeo clown. I didn´t really know what that was, but according to wikipedia, a rodeo clown is a rodeo performer who works on bull-riding contests. Historically the primary job of the rodeo clown is to protect the rider from the bull after he dismounts or is bucked off, by distracting the bull and providing alternative targets for the bull to chase. So now you know!

The flower was definitely the most adorable costume, and I think this little girl knew it too! We painted the petals and then glued them on to some rope and tied it around her face. And she wore a green shirt so that her body looked like a stem.

I was specifically supposed to be a Filipino pirate. Random, I know. Janet wanted to go as the cast of the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. She was Eleanor Zissou. Originally I wanted to be the killer whale, and then the jaguar shark. But I got lazy and then decided to either be Steve Zissou or a Filipino pirate (in the movie, Filipino pirates attack their boat and take the Bond Company Stooge hostage). I settled on the Filipino pirate since I am Filipino. I think a lot of the costumes at the Peace Corps party were pretty bizarre. Perhaps the problem is that we all have a lot of time on our hands to come up with grand visions for our costumes, but then we don´t have the money to make our ideas a reality. So then we end up with costumes that no one gets. Oh well.

My arm tattoo reads "I Love Mom" in Vasayan. Or maybe it´s Tagalog. Anyway, my mom told me how to spell it, so I know it is correct!

Here´s Maggie all decked out as a rodeo clown. Two people knew what she was supposed to be, which made her very happy =)
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