This is a picture of the North Squad, Nick, Lily, and Miguel alto (aka Migualto). Miguel loves Wilco and Jeff Tweedy like me and even had his own band in San Diego!
In honor of one of our tech trainers, Dale, 10 of the boys in the group decided to grow mustaches just like him. Some of them look pretty goofy. Let´s see if I can identify everyone: Top row from left to right: Janet Laminack, she´s from Texas and really funny. She is officiallly my first Peace Corps friend. Then there´s Stephanie and Michelle. Next to them is Joseph, who has already agreed to make me an ice cream cake for my birthday. Joseph worked at Baskin Robbins when he was in high school, so I am confident that he can make me an awesome ice cream cake. Or we can just buy one, since there are some Baskin Robbins stores in Quito. My birthday is 2 months away, so I need to start making plans. The next training group is coming to Quito on my birthday, so Joseph and a bunch of other volunteers will come to Quito to welcome them, and we will also celebrate my birthday:) Okay, this is going to take too long. Umm, maybe I will finish labeling this picture later. The swearing in ceremony was at the ambassador´s house, and she is in the middle with the orange jacket. She got really emotional during the ceremony and she even started getting a little teary!
Okay, I will finish labeling where I left off. Top row: to my right, Sarah, Yessary, Nick, Christina Ben Blevins, Miguel bajo, London, Lindsay H., Migualto, Lindsay S., John, Lisa, Miles, Jamie, Emily, Calvin, Ben Lehman, Alex. Bottom row, left to right: Aaron, Lily, Landon, Stuart, Jonathan, Ronnie, Katie, Becca, Zoe, and the most important person of all, Maggie! Maggie and I are going to try to visit each other once a month, even though we are going to be more than 10 hours from each other.
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