I am currently having difficulties with the memory card on my camera, so I am now trying to get all the pictures off of it. So I will try to organize my photos and add captions. The first picture is a demonstration of how I managed to communicate with my host family during my first weeks in La Esperanza. Rubi (the 12-year-old) and I would look up words in the dictionary so we could talk to each other. The next photo is me, Andy, and his cousin. I don´t remember her name. The photo below that is me and my best bud Rubi in the family garden. Then there´s Andy, the 5-year-old brat who is very cute, even though he likes to squirt me with a water gun under the dinner table. As I mentioned previously, people eat guinea pigs here, so I thought I should take a picture of this sign advertising delicious guinea pigs! The last photo is of my little La Esperanza group, Maggie, London, and Alex. Maggie is my closest friend here, and Alex and London are the only married people in our training group.
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