Here are some random photos from two other trips. This first photo is of an odd pair of birds. We visited a wildlife rehabilitation center in Mindo, and these two birds couldn´t find a mate from their own species, so they bonded to each other.

This photo is from a trip to the Cochasqui Ruins, which are pre-Inca ruins, built by the Cara Indians. The ruins are near La Esperanza, so we hired a pick-up truck (camioneta) to take us (Alex, London, Maggie, and me) there. We had to ride in the back, but don´t worry Mom, I had my seatbelt on the whole time!

This is another picture from Mindo, of our hike through a cloud forest. We had to cross the river in this strange and slightly scary contraption.

London and Alex on our way home from the ruins. Alex didn´t stand the whole time, since it was slightly scary (but exciting) when we were driving on the curvy Pan American highway.
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