Pierre singing the Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. He did a good job, better than me!

Pierre and I discovered that we really suck at karoake and will probably only do it when we are in San Diego.

When we were with Pierre's parents, we visited Santa Monica to meet one of Pierre's friends. We happened to be near the boardwalk when a fire hydrant got busted, leading to a geyser in the middle of a downtown street. It was quite a sight!

I hadn't seen something like that since I visited Yosemite and saw Old Faithful!

Lots of fire trucks and other emergency personnel showed up to fix the fire hydrant. Many people crowded around too to watch the free show.

The very wet firemen eventually got the geyser under control.

I liked this cute little frog on a lilypad decorating a drinking fountain in Santa Monica.

Pierre's friend Chris Ruth is an Illini but is now working in L.A. Chris is 6'6"! I look really short in this picture. . .

Here are some other random pictures. I dressed up as a Nanny for our annual Nanny Night at work. A bunch of volunteers and staff dress up as Nannies and kids visit Westbury House for games, arts and crafts, activities, Santa and songs. I kindof liked my Nanny outfit. Sasha thinks I should wear it for all family functions.

Last month I also ran my first 10k. I've been wanting to run a 10k for the past 7 years, but I finally had the motivation and time to train for it this year. I ran in the Jingle Bell Run in DC with one of my grad school friends Carrie. Pierre and Rakhi came to cheer me on but then unfortunately missed seeing my cross the finish line. I just ran too fast! I was happy with my time. At best, I am a 10 minute miler, and I finished the 6.2 mile race in exactly 62:05. Maybe next time I will try to finish it in under an hour!

The Jingle Bell Run is fun because all the runners get jingle bells for their shoes and people wear santa hats, antlers, elf costumes and othe crazy get-ups. A bunch of Carrie's friends ran with her too. Here are all the lady runners at the end of the race.
Happy New Year! Thanks for reading =)
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