Sunday, November 30, 2008

TV panels

Lately I've been going to a lot of tv panels. Last month, Pierre and I went to an event at the Paley Center for Media called Daily Show Writers speak! A bunch of the writers were there and a couple correspondents. Pierre and I learned lots about the show. Did you know that John Oliver is not the voice of the Geico gecko?

Then we went to a panel on Sesame Street. Writers, producers, puppeteers, and actors, including Maria(!) were there. They showed a highlight reel from the last season, which included gems such as their parody of 30 Rock and High School Musical (Preschool Musical). The education director at Sesame Street said that they try to throw in references to things in pop culture that adults would be interested in so that parents will watch the show with their children. Kids learn more with a parent beside them to explain things and perhaps reinforce the concepts after the show is over.

They also mentioned that traditionally the First Lady makes an appearance on the show, so keep a look out for Michelle Obama's cameo! Maybe Malaya will be watching when she is on, and then remember the time that Mrs. Obama held her. . .

I love the segments where musicians come on and change their famous songs to teach some lesson to kids. I looked around Youtube for some of the best ones to post here:

James Blunt's parody of "You're Beautiful" called "Triangle".

Feist's "1234"

Norah Jone's "I Don't Know Why Y Didn't Come"

The last TV panel I went to was one on the Real World. It was also hosted by the Paley Center for Media (formerly the Museum of TV and Radio). The two executive producers, Jonathan Murray and Jim Johnston were there, along with all the cast members from the current iteration of the show (Real World Brooklyh). I ended up going by myself because Pierre was out of town and I couldn't force anyone else to go with me. The Real World TV panel did not seem to be one of the more popular events at the Paley Center. The audience barely filled up 10 rows of the theater. That same theater was packed for the Daily Show writers panel. But, with so few people there, we all got a chance to ask a question.

I asked the executive producers how they picked their locations. I specifically wanted to know why they've used New York City three times now, but never Washington, D.C. Jonathan Murray answered that they pick cities where young people want to be. He said that he has wanted to use D.C., but he's been waiting for a Democratic administration. According to him, Washington, D.C. is the new Hollywood. So, D.C. should finally become a Real World destination in the next 4 to 8 years! Woohoo!

The cast for the Brooklyn season seems cool. Brooklyn is their 21st season. It premieres on Wednesday, January 7 at 10pm. I haven't watched the show regularly since the Chicago season, but I'll probably try to watch this time since I went to the panel. And one of the cast members is a dolphin trainer! How cool is that?


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