Michelle Obama meets Malaya!

Today, my niece Malaya was held by the Future First Lady Michelle Obama! Here's the story: Nathan and Julia were attending a fundraiser for the Congressional Black Caucus where Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker. She was eloquent and inspirational. After her speech, she shook hands with some of the attendees. Michelle was slowly making her way down the line, and when she spotted Malaya, she yelled "Baby!" and then grabbed Malaya. The above picture is of her shouting and grabbing Malaya. Malaya is perfect and adorable, so you can understand how Mrs. Obama could not resist her =)

Everyone surrounding Michelle Obama started taking pictures of Malaya. You can see in the above picture all the cameras pointed at the two of them. I thought we were bad in all the pictures we take of Malaya!

Look at Malaya's cute little giraffe outfit.

All those flashbulbs upset little Malaya and she started crying. Then Michelle gave her back to Julia, but not until after Nathan and Julia took their own pictures of the two of them together.
Who else can claim that they've been held by Michelle Obama? Malaya is only 3 1/2 months old and she's already mingling with the powerbrokers of the world! She'll probably be invited to regular teas at the White House for other great photo ops =)
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