My Bill of Rights
It's been awhile since I last wrote a blog post, and that is mostly because Pierre and I hosted some visitors and traveled for pretty much all of August. I need to write an update on everything, but for now, I thought I would just post the Bill of Rights I wrote for myself when Pierre and I visited the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum in Chicago.The museum is free and is located right along Michigan Avenue on the Magnificent Mile. It's a really cool museum, with exhibits on the the Bill of Rights, varying historical interpretations of the First Amendment, censorship, and elections. There were some computer kiosks that let you play some computer games and write your very own Bill of Rights! My Bill of Rights states the rights I have in my relationship with Pierre. The museum let you print out your Bill of Rights on nice, official Freedom Museum paper. Here's what my legally binding document looks like:
Ariana's Bill of Rights:
1. Pierre shall not make a stinky under the covers.
2. To live without oppression of my right to listen to Bjork.
3. To be free from watching Crank.
4. Has a right to the plush office chair when working on the computer.
5. To live in a straw free house.
Some of these rights might need some explanation. The second right refers to the long standing debate between Pierre and I about whether the Icelandic artist Bjork is a great musician (what I say) or if she is the Greatest Musician ever (what Pierre says.)
The third item is about the awful movie Crank. My brother actually bought that movie! I refuse to watch it ever again.
The fourth right is being violated right now as I am typing this because I am not sitting in the nice office chair. Pierre says I should buy my own office chair. Well, in about a year from now, we will be married, and all of our assets and property will be shared, so the chair will be mine! HAHA! (evil laugh)
The final item refers to how Pierre occassionally drinks from a straw. Sasha says this is not a manly habit, and has tried to get him to stop. I thought by banning straws from the household, Pierre would not be allowed to sip away to his heart's content. But he bought a box of straws last month, so Sasha's efforts have been thrawted.
Pierre also wrote a bill of rights, but he only had two items:
1. Bjork shall not be played, listened to, or spoken of.
2. A limit of 10 sentences between the hours 6 PM and 10 PM.
Rule number 2 is very difficult to live by. But anyway, he just emailed his Bill of Rights to me, and I printed mine out and hung it up in the apartment, so mine is the rule of law.
I realize that any proper Bill of Rights should have 10 rights. Pierre and I have been together for 5 years now, and I could only think of 5 things to include on my Bill of Rights. Maybe on our 10 year anniversary I'll have a complete Bill of Rights! I know Pierre is looking forward to that =)
i'm really confused...pierre doesn't like bjork, correct? are you framing him by saying he thinks she is the greatest musician ever? did i spell that right cause it shore don't lookit.
I was actually stealing a joke from Stephen Colbert. He likes to ask his guests if George W. Bush is a "great president" or the "greatest president". Pierre doesn't think that Bjork is a "great musician" or the "greatest musician". I was just making things up =)
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