Secrets of the Colbert Report
I got some unpleasant news this week that I did not get a job that I had interviewed for. I really wanted that job, so I am a bit bummed. I suppose getting rejected from a job you really wanted is just another one of those self-esteem crushers everyone has to deal with, like a breakup, or a college rejection letter, or losing your job. So, I guess in the grand scheme of things, this is not so bad and everyone goes through it. I also wanted that job because I am really tired of looking for a job! But I will continue, for lack of anything better to do =)In happier news, I went to a taping of the Colbert Report last week, which was very exciting. I was in the standby line, so I got the last pick of the seats, which meant that I actually ended up sitting in the aisle on the end. Here's a link to the episode I attended: I think you might be able to see me in the audience when the camera pans out after Colbert introduces the guest, Representative Robert Wexler.
Colbert was even cooler in person. Before the show, he came out for a Q&A with the audience. That was the only time he was out of character. He wouldn't explain how he got those weird marks on his face. There was an tape outline on the floor in front of his desk from where he slipped and broke his wrist. Someone asked him if he still got butterflies in his stomach before doing a show, and he said that he does gets nervous. He also said that the only time he had trouble staying in character was when Jane Fonda was sticking her tongue in his ear!
In between takes, they would play really cool music, like Peter Bjorn & John, and Neutral Milk Hotel, and Colbert would dance around a little. He also threw out lots of wrist strong bracelets and chocolate to the audience. He messed up a couple times, but the recorded version only showed one mistake. The second time he messed up, it was because he had eaten a piece of chocolate during the break. He said something like, I guess I shouldn't eat chocolate right now. . .
One of the writers came out before the show to warm up the crowd. He told us that Cookie Monster was super popular when he visited the set a couple weeks ago. Everyone came down to meet him and take a picture with him. Apparently one staff member was so excited that she hugged Cookie Monster and was actually told to back off!
So that was the big excitement of last week. Cindy swears she could hear me =)
Pierre and I finally managed to unpack all our boxes and fix our apartment! Which means that we are ready for a pet, whom we are planning to get this afternoon. I'll put pictures up of our new friend soon.

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