Pierre's birthday dance
This video is from Pierre's birthday dance in 2005. I convinced Sasha and my cousins Alyssa and Cassie to learn the Napoleon Dynamite dance for Pierre. I even made us all Vote for Pedro t-shirts! Napoleon Dynamite is Pierre's favorite movie.
My sister was visiting that week and we had made plans to all meet up at my aunt's house. Pierre showed up wearing his Vote for Pedro t-shirt (which he loves) and was not happy to see that I was also wearing a Vote for Pedro t-shirt. But then we all got up and danced and he understood that I had done it all for him! My relatives and their friends loved the dance so much, they made us do it a second time. Pierre, being a good sport, decided to join us. This clip is from the second run-through of the dance.
I'm not sure what choreographed dance we'll do next, but it is my birthday next month, so someone else has to do the planning. We'll be in St. Louis for my birthday, so maybe someone who lives there can think of something for my bday celebration/Wilco pilgrimage. . .
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