Why did God make people stupid?
The above line is from a play Pierre and I saw over the weekend, the Marraige of Bette and Boo. The cast included Julie Hagerty, the stewardess from Airplane, and Heather Burns, Miss Rhode Island from Miss Congeniality. We got our tickets for only $10 through hiptix! They were regularly $60. Our seats were great too!Pierre and I didn't really love the play, but there were parts of it that were good, like the priest's speech in the second act. He was talking about how frustrated he gets with the couples that come to him for marraige counseling. He said that the troubled couples he sees are usually people who got married before they really knew each other, and then they come to him and expect him to be able to solve their problems. Which is why he asked the question: Why did God make people stupid?
Pierre and I are becoming regular theatergoers. We saw Avenue Q with Mike, and next we're going to see Damn Yankees with my mom.
The other highlight of our 4th of July weekend was adopting Preston Tyrone Bull-Rickard from a local animal shelter.

The commentators from ESPN were hilarious! The whole thing was rather disgusting, but I couldn't see anything from where I was standing because I'm short =( Here's the ESPN clip, which includes great insight like: "Lance Armstrong will perhaps date Jennifer Aniston. It's gotta be in the cards." and "Whatever happens here will change our world."
The top 2 leaders, Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi were tied at 59 hot dogs at the end of 10-min, so they had the first-ever "dog-off" - whoever could eat 5 dogs the quickest won. Joey Chestnut, the crowd favorite, won. This clip includes some more funny comments, like: "I'm sorry, I'm so excited here!" Here's where we were in the crowd. There were over 40,000 spectators! So that is why I couldn't see anything.
Here's Takeru Kobayashi showing off his engorged belly after the contest. Gross!
We went down to a pier in Brooklyn for the big Macy's fireworks show. That was cool, because the lights from the fireworks would reflect off of the buildings in Manhattan and make really sweet patterns. After the fireworks, we wandered around a little bit. Pierre tried out different exposure times with his camera.
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