Obama generation
It occurred to me last night that my children will be born under an Obama administration. That makes Pierre and I very happy. Pierre and I are both biracial, so our children will be multiracial (half white, quarter Filipino, and a quarter Chinese) and they will be born when a biracial man is President of the United States. Obama is the first African-American to be elected President, but he is also the first biracial person to hold the highest office in the land. Three cheers for biracial/multiethnic people! I hope that all children born in the next 8 years will be called the Obama generation and my children will be amongst them. What a great time to be born! Pierre and I must have kids in the next 8 years =)I'm sure everyone has a story about where they were and what they were doing last night when Obama was declared the President elect. Pierre and I tried calling our family and friends after the announcement was made, but our cell phones were not working because everyone else in America was on the phone, sharing the moment with their loved ones and celebrating together. I finally had to use our landline to call my brother's landline so that I could talk to my siblings. Obama supporters don't seem to be gloating or acting mean-spirited about the win. I don't think there will be any talk of "political capital" that will be spent. Everyone just seems really happy and proud to be an American right now. Most people seem to already be focusing on the challenges ahead.
One of my friends told me a truly heart-warming story about a family that was determined to vote yesterday. And I am sure there are lots of stories like this one, and I would like to hear more of them. Please tell me any good stories you've heard! Here's my friend's story:
One mother said she just came home from voting - she was going to go in the afternoon after we left, but her 8 year-old son woke her up at 5 am all dressed up in his Sunday best because he wanted to vote and "make history". So they waited in line from 6-10am! I almost burst into tears when she told me that!
Isn't that so cool? I almost started crying when I read that email. I don't have any personal stories like that, but something funny did happen to me on my way to work this morning. Pierre and I now have 3 Obama decals on the back of our car. That's because we donated multiple times to the campaign and got a bunch of goodies. Also, we got bashed a little in the Michael's parking lot the other weekend, so we added an additional bumper sticker to cover up the scratches. We have a car magnet on the left, a bumper sticker in the middle, and a different Obama bumper sticker on the right. As I was driving to work today, another driver honked his horn repeatedly at me, smiled, and gave me a two finger salute/wave. It was sweet!
I have to admit that I am going to miss all the campaign coverage. It was my main form of entertainment these last few months. Now what am I going to do? Does anyone else feel this way?
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