Saturday, July 04, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pierriana quiz

Take this quiz to see how well you know Pierriana. Cindy and Sasha put this together for my bridal shower last weekend in San Diego. My lovely sister has also included some fun, little known facts about Pierre and Ariana =)

1. Ariana and Pierre met while attending University of Michigan. Where at U of M did Ariana and Pierre first meet?
a. Commons
b. Football Game
c. Environmental Science 101
d. Library
e. Protection of Amphibians Club Meeting
f. None of the above

2. How many matching pairs of t-shirt/outfits do Pierre and Ariana own?
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 9

3. Where did Pierre and Ariana go on their first date?
a. A movie
b. A coffee house
c. An Indian restaurant
d. A concert
e. None of the above

4. What can Pierre do, that Ariana cannot – select the one that most applies?
a. Drive in traffic circles
b. Match clothing
c. Go clothing shopping unsupervised/alone
d. The Worm
e. Drink any type of beverage out of a straw

5. How many dances have Pierre and Ariana learned & performed together? (Extra Credit,
if you could name the dances.)
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

Name Them:

6. On Halloween during grad school, Ariana and Pierre dressed in matching costumes, what
were they?
a. Beavis & Butthead
b. Cow & Milkmaid
c. Superman & Superwoman
d. Beaker & Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
e. Dog & Cat

7. What sport did Ariana and Pierre both do on a school team?
a. Ultimate Frisbee
b. Academic Bowl
c. Gymnastics
d. Soccer
e. Rugby
f. Interpretive Dancing

8. Where did Pierre propose to Ariana?
a. Walking in Rego Park
b. In front of the Washington Monument
c. On a lookout point in Puerto Vilamil
d. On a Ferris wheel at South Pier (Chicago)
e. During a romantic trip to Target

9. For Pierre’s birthday, Ariana made her cousins & sister learn what dance?
a. The Lambada
b. The dance from Flashdance
c. The dance from Napoleon Dynamite
d. The Thriller dance
e. The Milkshake

10. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Contrary to his name, Pierre is not French
b. Ariana was named after a country song about a man-stealing woman
c. Pierre, like Ariana, enjoys Grease 2

11. Who is Preston Tyrone?
a. Their neighbor
b. Their pet goldfish
c. Pierre’s best friend
d. Their pet cat

12. What gifts were exchanged when the two matriarchs met one another?
a. Calendar/box of chocolates
b. Homemade cookies/seashells
c. Incense/ Bag of pan de sal (Filipino bread)
d. Charm bracelet/travel book
e. None of the above
f. No gifts

13. Where do Ariana and Pierre plan to go on their Honeymoon?
a. Technotronic trip to Europe
b. Jaguar Preserve in Belize
c. White-water rafting in the Amazon
d. Visiting an isolated guinea pig farm in South America
e. Biking trip down the West Coast
f. Where ever there are no traffic circles!!!

14. Pierre and Ariana won the coveted title of what?
a. Longest Amount of Time Wearing Matching T-shirts/Outfits
b. Fiercest Couple
c. Champions of the American Museum of Natural History Scavenger Hunt
d. Highest GPAs in University of Michigan

15. In which New York City borough do Pierre and Ariana currently reside?
a. Brooklyn
b. Queens
c. Bronx
d. Manhattan
e. Staten Island
Answer key:
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. d
5. a (Napoleon Dynamite and Michael Jackson's Bad)
6. b
7. c
8. c
9. c
10. c
11. d
12. a
13. a
14. c
15. b
Count up your number of correct answers.
11-15: Pana (Kichwa word for best friend)
10-6: Friend
5-0: Facebook friend

Friday, May 15, 2009


Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Rising

Last month, Pierre and I headed down to Washington for the inauguration of President Barack Obama. It was fun and emotional and I was so happy to be there for this historic moment and to share it with so many of my friends and family. Here's Rakhi, Pierre and me all bundled up, walking to the Mall on the morning of the Inauguration.
The above picture is not from the Inauguration but from September 2007 in Iowa. It's from the book Yes We Can by Scout Tufankijian, who followed Obama for two years on the campaign trail. I really love this book because it has so many wonderful photographs of Obama and his family and the reception he received all across America and overseas. The book also contains some of his famous quotes. This one almost made me cry:

"I should not be here today. I was not born into money or status. I was born to a teenage mom in Hawaii, and my dad left us when I was two. But my family gave me love, they gave me education, and most of all they gave me hope—hope that in America, no dream is beyond our grasp if we reach for it, and fight for it, and work for it."
Madison, Wisconsin, February 12, 2008

The first inaugural event we attended was the "We Are One" concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, January 18. We stood in the cold for 6 hours and were not too close to the stage, but we were packed in like sardines. I was not a big fan of that, and we couldn't see a Jumbotron, so we didn't always know what was going on or who was performing. One amazing thing was the long line of Porta-Potties everywhere. Here's a shot of them stretching on as far as the eye can see.

Pierre and I bundled up against the cold, waiting for the concert to begin. My toes got so cold at one point (and I was wearing thick wool socks!), that I started to worry about frostbite.

Here's all the people that were in front of us. Only tall people like Pierre were able to see anything!

Snipers stationed on the top of the Lincoln Memorial.

View of the stage.

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we went with some of our University of Michigan friends to a reception for John Dingell (D) of SE Michigan in the House Energy Committee meeting room in the Rayburn House next to the Capitol. Here is Rakhi, Julia, me and Pierre posing with Dingell.

It was really fun to sit in the comfy chairs in the Committee meeting room. There were so many events and receptions going on that day, I think we could have crashed a bunch of them.

After the reception, we walked by the Capitol to get a view of the Inauguration platform.

Another view of the Capitol the night before the Inauguration.

We also strolled by the Newseum and looked at the headlines from around the country about the Inauguration. That was really amazing.

We got up early on Inauguration Day and headed down to the Washington Monument at 8am. The grounds were starting to fill up, but we were able to stake out a good spot.

Here's a shot of the crowd filling in behind us.

Our unobstructed view of the Jumbotron.

Obama swearing in as the 44th President of the United States of America!

Crowds cheering and clapping after the swearing in ceremony.

We almost walked home after the inauguration because we were worried about dealing with crowds on the Metro. We walked by a bunch of tour buses, one of which had this funny sign on its door. I'm not sure what "Yes We Can" has to do with the bus rules. . .