La Perla

Pictures from the Peace Corps Reconnect Conference Talent show! Here´s Nick dancing with his girlfriend Yami, while the MC Miles sings "In the Eyes of a Child", a song from South Park: the movie.

My friend Miguel wrote and performed a song with funny anecdotes about some of the volunteers in our training group. It was soo good and hilarious! Miguel was definitely the star of the talent show, with his original song and awesome dance performance in our Rebelde act.

Here are some pictures of my hike with Maggie in the protected forest reserve, La Perla. The reserve is near my site, and I´m planning on working there maybe one week a month, helping out with some botanical and herpetological research projects. Here´s Maggie being a jungle woman, emerging from the leaves.

Check out the size of that leaf! It´s huge!

Sorry these pictures are all mixed up! Here´s another picture from the talent show. Aaron told a funny joke before his dance performance with Katie.

Here´s Maggie with one of the guides at La Perla, Placido. Placido likes to dress like Rambo for hikes, but he had already taken off his Rambo gear before we took this picture.

Cool fungus growing on a fallen log.

Maggie hanging out in a strangler fig.

Maggie climbing a ceibo tree!
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