Adventures in Cahuasqui

After Alex, Tita, and I explored the coast, we went north to visit my friends Miguel, Nick, and Lily. We went to Ibarra first, then Cahuasqui, and stopped in Cotacachi and Otavalo on our way back to Quito. Here´s Alex and Nick in the back of a pick-up truck in Ibarra.

Nick lives in Cahuasqui, the island in the sky. The town is surrounded by mountains but bordered by sheer drop-offs. Very pretty and dramatic. The area reminded me of southern California, near Alpine.

Nick took us to some hot springs near Cahuasqui, which was fun. I can´t remember the name of the place. Anyway, there were lots of pools, so we swam for a bit. There was also an open air gondola thing that we rode for $1! Here´s a picture from the gondola, looking down at the hot springs.

The gondola ride was pretty high up, but I´m not sure if you can see that from this photo.

Alex being brave!

Nick enjoying the company of beautiful ladies =)

View from the gondola.

There was also a zip line canopy ride that crossed above the hot springs. That was a little scary. I went on a canopy tour in Costa Rica, but that felt a little more safe. But I was brave, and enjoyed the 25 second ride. I made Nick go first =)

Getting ready for our big trip!

Nick and I doing a turtle headbut. There is no way a person cannot look dorky while wearing a helmet and harness. But who looks dorkier, Nick or I?


This is the launch on the other side of the valley.

Nick having the time of his life!

Notice my big, goofy grin.

Auntie Tita meeting one of the local kids in Cahuasqui.

Pretty flower in Cahuasqui.

Nick started feeling sick after we left the hot springs, so his counterpart said he probably had been exposed to "bad air". So she offered to cure him. Here she is blowing cigarette smoke on him and letting an egg absorb the bad air.

Nick looking like a scary zombie.

After his bad air treatment, Nick´s counterpart made him lay in bed for a bit.

Alex and Nick and the family of his counterpart, waiting for Nick to feel better.

Nick with his best friends at a neighbor´s house.

This is my favorite mural in Santo Domingo. It says, "Manage with your head!" and shows a blonde girl talking on her cell phone, and then driving over a cliff and being eaten by a shark.

Let this be a warning to all drivers who like to talk on giant cell phones! I also like the fact that the girl is blonde and driving a convertible.

Not only does she drive over a cliff, there is also a shark waiting to eat her. Also note that we get a great shot of her underwear before she is eaten. I wonder what inspired the mural artist? Is there a deeper meaning to this painting?
AWESOME! i loooove this mural!
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